Shavkat Mirziyoyev and his activities as president in Uzbekistan

A politician is evaluated by the results of his activities, what successes he was able to achieve in practice. For the leader of the country, an important parameter will be his support by the population in the elections.

The President of Uzbekistan Mirziyoyev confirms this with his activities.

Start of activity

Shavkat Mirziyoyev took his position in 2016 on the basis of direct democratic elections. Immediately in this post, he took an important step by releasing political prisoners. Thus, he demonstrated his course towards reforms that would change the internal atmosphere in the country and improve its image in the international arena.

A course was also taken to improve relations with neighboring countries in the region and pursue a transparent foreign policy.

This was immediately appreciated by US President Trump, who, in a conversation in 2017, pointed out the importance of Uzbekistan’s role in the Central Asian region and appreciated the support of America’s peacekeeping mission in Afghanistan.

The cooperation process also extends to interactions with Russia and China. These are the two most important trading partners of Uzbekistan.

Modern presidential actions

The reforms affected all spheres of the country’s life, so amendments to the Constitution were required. The updated version of the country’s basic law provides for an increase in the term of government of the head of state from five to seven years. The new version of the law allowed the current president to run for office again twice.

In the summer of 2023, early elections were held, which Shavkat Mirziyoyev won with more than 80% of the votes. This assessed his previous activities and expressed the consent of the population to continue the course of reforms.

In the political sphere, it was expressed in freedom of speech and opinion, expanding the role of women in all areas of the country’s life. Forced child labor was prohibited.

In the economy, cotton growers were allowed to sell their products directly to textile manufacturers, which increased their income and reduced bureaucratic costs. The number of ministries was reduced by two and a half times.

Work is underway to privatize state-owned enterprises, some shares are being sold to private investors, which is improving the business climate in the country. These measures led to stable growth of Uzbekistan’s GDP by 5% per year, which is a high figure. An important area is the work to improve irrigation and conserve water resources; this area is of decisive importance for the country.


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